Get your brand on camera with the iPhone Video Course


I know what it's like to get lost in Youtube videos that don't solve your problem, or searching Google for answers that just won't be found. When it comes to video, shooting and editing does NOT have to be super complicated. 

You just need to know the steps.


No more watching other people's social media channel blow up, no more wishing you could get your message out there as well -- you have everything you need. You just need to know the steps. Let me help you, with the iPhone Video Course. 

Smart Phone Video Course

This video course will teach you how to shoot and edit videos using just your iPhone or Android!  It will also provide you with links to any and all equipment recommended to make your videos look even more lovely. 

The Smart Phone Video Course is a perfect beginners guide to busy entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their brands using video.  This course will discuss how to set up your iPhone and Android properly to film, how to edit using the iMovie and PowerEditor app (STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL!) and how to create camera confidence. 

The course is comprised of videos and worksheets to help you with your video creation needs. Course will be updated periodically, you will receive any updates free of charge.


I'm very descriptive on all sales pages what is in the course, and what result you can expect if you follow the steps of the course. All sales are final, no refunds. 



50% Complete

Two Step

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